The Joy of Teen Sex (2011– )
13 November 2011
Please bear in mind that my review is based on watching episode one of season one.

I randomly came across this show while searching for documentaries over sexual health and reproductive rights in the US. I'm so happy that I found this! As a former sex ed teacher and a current reproductive justice activist in the US I am absolutely blown away by this show. So many of us in America are constantly fighting just to have medically accurate sexual education taught to our youth (rather than that crap abstinence only) that the idea of teaching a pro-sex curriculum doesn't even enter the minds of most of people. Leave it to the Europeans to get it (almost) right.

American are so horribly uptight, misogynistic, and heterofocused about sex that it's no wonder we, sadly, have the highest rates of sexual abuse, STI/STD contraction, unplanned pregnancy, abortion, and teen pregnancy rates of all Western nations. I love that this show not only discusses the practical side of sexual health, but also allows for teenagers to have fun with their sexuality. Shaming people, especially teens, only leads to the horrific condition the U.S. is suffering from.

The show actually allows teenagers to be active participants in the making as well. I felt as if the people involved weren't talking at teens, but rather with them. My only complaint thus far is that this show only talks about orientation and gender in a dichotomous way. They completely ignored the existence of bisexual and trans identified people as well as those that fall into other identities. Until they properly address ALL teenagers sexual needs and health then they're ultimately doomed to let far too many kids in Britain fall between the cracks. I'm off to watch more episodes.

And the Australian guy who cried child abuse in his review is just sad. Shows like this paint sexuality in a healthy light which would lead to LESS child abuse as well as other forms of gendered violence. I'm happy (and sad) to know though that it's not just my country plagued with misinformed, ignorant, conservative, just plain nutty people.
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