Price of Death
9 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I don't want to spoil this movie but have too in order to address a few points to educate or just plain have you think about it. This could have been a great SW movie I give it 6/10 only because, I like Garko and Kinski and the Silver character could have been much better if they just stuck to him trying to find out about the young Mexican girl that was killed in the opening scene. This opening was great with a Horror film touch to it and never seeing the culprit who murders the young woman for pleasure. The family going to the playboy Hacienda of legendary Silver trying to buy his gun for hire. Then we have local misfit and criminal Chester(Kinski) who plays a very small role but still a brilliant performance on his part. The middle with a secondary subplot nothing to do with the murder of the young girl but other unrelated murders and corruption and idiotic fight scenes and humorous tones by Silver really ruined this little flick to me personally. The ending was awesome going to back to the main beginning scene of the girl Chester is let go and being his arrogant nasty way walking away from the Sheriffs office Silver notices the missing eagle head medallion located on his gun belt pulls out the missing piece the family gave to Silver earlier throws it at him and tells him he knows he killed the girl etc. Chester backing up grabs a little girl as a human shield and we get to see Silver use that little hidden gun.. Lights out!!! Just amazing beginning and ending the rest was a rambling snooze fest subplot.
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