The Standard Treatment of the Subject Matter
6 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
A nice, neat, little piece of propaganda conforming with the history book interpretation of the events in Dallas on that dreadful day.

The scenes that took place in Ft. Worth are all the more touching since they are infused with the viewer's knowledge of the horrific event to come.

The first overt sanitation of what actually transpired was noticed by this viewer during the sequence at Love Field as the presidential limousine begins to depart for the motorcade through downtown Dallas. One can view the rear of the Lincoln with a Secret Service agent in proper position on each side of the rear of the limo. A close inspection of the presidential car (not easily seen in this video since there is no close up shot) reveals that there are two areas in the rear bumper for an agent to stand as well as two handrails located on the trunk of the vehicle. It was standard operating procedure for a Secret Service agent to be stationed in each of these areas on the bumper to afford the President protection in the form of human shields.

This video cuts right before the Special Agent in charge riding in the follow-up car motions the properly placed agents back and away from the presidential vehicle. One can see the frustration of the Secret Service Agent on the right side of the limo since he throws his hands up in the air on three separate occasions as he follows his orders and retires to the follow-up vehicle. There is a much more complete video of this footage posted on You Tube which confirms the information this viewer has provided.

This individual who was 12 years old on the day of the assassination and remembers as if it was yesterday where he was and what he was doing when informed of the crime of the century in this country felt no need to be spoon-fed anymore video from the History Channel.
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