Not a Kids film.
4 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
It's more of an Elton John song commercial, the music really didn't fit the movie though. Plodding, when will this be over pacing. Excessive threat, peril, and violence for children throughout the film. Decapitation or almost decapitation by a garden mower is a bit over the top. Needless "dancer" character, the one with the butt-less back and speed-o front "swim suit". No endearing characters, OK maybe the blue mushroom had a little charisma. Boring dialog, really couldn't get engaged into the story line. Cute idea. Terrible Elton John character animations. Needless hysterical violence. Numerous Rude, crude, and obnoxious characters throughout. Sexual innuendo not appropriate for children, which was subtly included. I'm really surprised Michael Caine, and Elton John would tie their names to a production so far below their abilities. My overall rating would be zero for children and 3 for adults. With some very minor tweaking this could have been a 7+ star flick, unfortunately the talent wasn't properly utilized. Other than EJ's animation the rest was pretty decently done.
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