The One (II) (2011)
Tommy fakes us out....puts one over on.......
25 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
.......almost all of us. (Read on to find out how).

(( This isn't as well done as "Shelter".....nor quite as good as "Latter Days".....BUT it's not far off their mark ))

A CAST OF ENGAGING CHARACTERS (making up the Devilish and Age-old TRIANGLE):

  • Tommy Miller (Guy #1) - (played by: Ian Novick) ---- To date, a smaller parts actor. Yet, this film shows he merits so much more....if nothing else, for the cute hunkiness and honesty he brings to Tommy....a Guy who grabs our hearts....a Guy who's In Pursuit. "T" is Open...he's Out...knows the man he wants....and he takes us along on the joyride to get him. He's an upfront Guy, who tells it like it is. A Mister Personality....most definitely deserving of that capital "P". Of our two male lead characters, Tommy's "The One" you're most likely to fall for. And you will have a ball while doing so.

  • Daniel (Guy #2) - (played by: Jon Prescott) ---- Lots of TV series work....yet with a plum film role in 2010's gay-related, "Howl", playing the James Franco character's oft-time lover. Here, in this story, he's playing the built and pretty emotionally torn man, suffering a severe case of "Closetophobia". Perhaps now's a good time for the question: WHO is the love of this man's life? Is it the fiancé and wife-to-be? Or is it, perhaps....what's that Guy's name, again? Oh, and you should watch for what is, to me, the somewhat puzzling way in which Prescott plays this role: facially expressive with other characters in the film.....BUT, strangely, often detached looking / fairly expressionless in his scenes with Tommy.

(( AN ASIDE ABOUT DANIEL ---- Did ANY of you out there, having seen this film, realize how very many guys Daniel's life represents? A man, like so many of us, who becomes engaged...marries and fathers a child....all the while never facing up to who he is sexually. How many of us are living this kind of life, one which Family...Society...expects of us? A life which is not really our own...not who we really are? Should it be at all surprising how many of us are Daniels ))

  • Jen (The One Stuck in the Middle) - (played by: Margaret Anne Florence) ---- Quite a bit of TV work...with 3 or so lesser movies thrown into the mix. Jen is a pert and pretty gal, as both fiancée and bride. A level headed woman, very much in love with her man. YET, she's a someone who unknowingly comes to meet and grow quite friendly with "The Other Man". In doing so, Florence pulls it off in a most believable manner. Even though you and I are watching her through guys' eyes....she'll MAKE us deeply feel both her happiness and her despair. Be prepared.

A LAST THOUGHT (I told you at the beginning to watch for this):

  • For those of you UNhappy with the way in which this film SEEMINGLY a less than romantic way (yes, I've looked at your reviews and displeasure here and there)....just read on.

  • Aaah, yes. So, Tommy...Our Mister Upfront Guy. See...right about here is where you movie watchers should be remembering...recalling that really important thing he's already told us (more than once). What? What is it, you ask? ....THAT HE IS IN LOVE...IN TRUE LOVE..(something he's also told the object of his affection). doubters out there....put all such thoughts aside. For there is NO way in which a man like the Tommy we've come to know...with his depth of feelings...would just walk away from "The One". From that person who he just learned has again become available. NO way in which a caring sort like Tommy would leave another man waiting at the altar. Unless.....UNLESS he has very definite plans to reenter the life of "The One" (though he may wait a bit...just to make a Someone squirm). And if you think otherwise about this, then "T" has, indeed, Totally Faked you out. So....BUCK UP!...CHEER UP! the REAL ending of this film, you're going to get exactly what you were hoping for. HAPPY viewing!

PS: If you're not'd be worth your bucks to buy an All-Regions DVD player and try these 3 great little films (probably for more mature Gays): "Four More Years" /// "He Is My Girl" /// "Different From Whom?" (I've done reviews).
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