Paris When it Fizzles
20 October 2011
In Paris, teenage cellist Audrey Hepburn (as Ariane Chavasse) goes for grandfatherly playboy Gary Cooper (as Frank Flannagan). Detective father Maurice Chevalier (as Claude Chavasse) does not approve. This is supposed to be one of those "May/December" romances, but it looks more like "January/December". Appearing even older than his actual age, Mr. Cooper should have declared himself done with these roles. For several reasons, he has no on-screen rapport with Ms. Hepburn. Writer/director Billy Wilder had previously paired youthful Hepburn with Humphrey Bogart and William Holden.

The dog is poorly dubbed.

*** Love in the Afternoon (5/29/57) Billy Wilder ~ Audrey Hepburn, Gary Cooper, Maurice Chevalier, John McGiver
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