Genuine and intense portrait of living Mexico
18 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Very enjoyable and excellent conjunction of genuine music, a story well focused on just the three youngsters, talented actors and a curious and interesting camera. This screenplay does not need almost any dialog, so it really does not matter if you watch the original language version.

Theatrical drama located in the real Mexican life, about passions and everyday's dilemmas (love, relationship, work, money), combined with comedy elements and a kind of dance-musical at its best. I watched it several times and it never gets boring due to tremendous intensity and accuracy, both minimalistic when it wants to be authentic and with many simple comedy elements. Embedded there is at the same time a portrait of the Cumbia music scene in northern Mexico, authentically represented by the musicians themselves.

Director René Villarreal is best known for some well done movies, e.g. The Mexican (Brad Pitt, Julia Roberts). The movie is genuine therefore it has explicit scenes, so i would rate it 15+.
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