Tool: Salival (2000 Video)
Music fan chooses TOOL as all time favorite
17 October 2011
There isn't anything by tool that I don't like and if you have only heard a song once or only seen a video once; listen or watch again. each time you experience this band it gets better and better. I love a lot of bands very much but very few bands have been able to make me feel as if music had a physical texture that I could feel. From rhythm blending between instrument to unimaginable time signatures in this style of music, It just make me want to proclaim my love for this band from the roof tops. I know it is a little off topic considering I'm not addressing the actual title "salival" which I own but that is because my point to all of this is that the band used the box set to really give there fans something that they knew they would love. The live push it track is one of the most amazing live songs I have ever heard and then I was even blessed enough to hear that version in person. I was ear banged by TOOL and I wanted more. You know you have something special when a concert is so amazing that it feels surreal. The reason I am writing this kind of review is because TOOL actually changed my life from how I interact with the world to how I perceive it. I really feel like if I had never found this band that I would not be the person I am today. So, If you are some one out there who doesn't feel much emotion when you listen to TOOL or watch their videos; listen or watch again. It will pull you in like an undertow. I am a more confident person because of this band. Thank you TOOL.
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