This is what happens when you let hamsters do the network programming
17 October 2011
Who in the world thought THIS would be a good idea for a comedy?! After all, the idea of a sitcom involving Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun living in an apartment building is not only bizarre but in pretty bad taste. Apparently, the British public was not amused and only the premier episode was aired--but apparently they shelved seven more. Apart from the Holocaust, repeated bombings of Britain and millions dead, I can't see why the Brits were not thrilled to see such a show!!! I only today found out about this notorious show when I saw an article on a website for Popmatters--where they listed it as the #1 biggest screw-ups in TV history. And, they included a link so I could watch the show. Now the show was not 100% horrible--the actors tried hard. But the writing was so broad and the subject matter so distasteful that I could see why it never aired beyond one episode. Imagine--the Hitlers living next door to the Goldsteins--and their relationship is a bit like an angrier version of the Mertz's and Ricardos. And, while it's disgusting to contemplate, it seems as if the writer was trying to show how the annoying Goldsteins perhaps led Hitler to develop his 'final solution'. Sick...but also worth seeing just once so you can see just how bad TV can be. Now if only I could find a copy of movie "The Day the Clown Cried"--as it is in similarly bad taste.

By the way, the worst part about the show was the omnipresent and VERY loud laughtrack. Hearing the supposed audience guffawing at these sick lines of dialog is so surreal and twisted. Hitler....with a laughtrack!
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