The Awakening (V) (2010)
Bad - Just plain bad
14 October 2011
What can be said about this movie that hasn't already been stated? It really is badly done. The main villain in the film is laughably oafish. I wouldn't fear him in the scariest of situations!

There just isn't much going for this film. Bad dialogue, horrible editing, and worse acting; this film contained all the necessities of a qualifying to be a feature presentation on Mystery Science Theater 3000. I wanted to make a little cut-out version of Joel, Crow, and Tom Servo to attach to the bottom of my screen to feel like I justified sitting through 34 whole minutes of this wreckage!

I get that it's quite possibly a student film, so I couldn't give it the 1 star that it truly deserves. I give them a 3 star for their effort.
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