Munger Road (2011)
Interesting premise, unfinished ending
8 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not a big horror movie person as I don't like being scared. As a long time Bartlett resident, I, like all of my high school peers, was excited to hear that they had made a film about one of the creepiest roads in our area. Munger Road is technically in Bartlett and Wayne, however, I can see the benefit of using downtown St. Charles for storytelling purposes. It was really thrilling and intriguing to me that someone would write a horror film based off a legend that people in our area widely know and have tried for themselves (placing baby powder on the bumper to see if you get ghostly hand prints that indicate spirits were trying to push you off of the tracks). The film was a little on the slow side but I feel like this is probably a component of scary movies to help build suspense. There were really creepy moments that were more of what your imagination made out of it than what was actually shown. I think that's a great strategy and often much more effective than showing the killer and the acts that they perform. There were the usual "Why are they doing this??" moments with the characters where you wish they would just use common sense and get the heck out of there. The movie began picking up momentum at the end and I was becoming more and more confused about what was going on. I was invested in what was happening and wanted to know more, and then it ended. I can see how that would go with the movie's general trend of leaving the horror up to your imagination, however, I feel like I needed more clues to make sense of things. I would recommend going to see this movie because it is clever and refreshingly different from the horror films that I have seen. I just wish that it was paced differently and that ending afforded more clues and resolution.
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