Not the worst film I've ever seen, but pretty bad.
7 October 2011
Like another reviewer says, I have to respect anyone who makes a film, especially a feature-length film. I couldn't do it myself. And I'd hope that Chris Smith continues to work on films. But this film did not turn out well. Perhaps he will accept some advice:

First, less is more. This film is about 30 minutes too long, but seems even longer. I know that directors love their shots and scenes and hate to cut, but you have to be ruthless. The pacing in most scenes is simply glacial, and a great many are just unnecessary.

Second, work on blocking. It may be a cliché, but you need to have shots blocked and then edited so people face each other. You know, person on left looks to right, person on right looks to left. This is Film Basics 101.

Third, have someone objective read your script. Dialogue that seems great in your head often has a lot of flaws, whether logical, narrative, or other. Plus, some of your plot points are totally unrealistic, whether you intended them to be this way or not.

Fourth, if you can't afford good lighting, be creative in what you have. Some of your scenes look fine with natural lighting. Most don't.

Fifth, write and direct to the ability of the actors. Can't afford professionals? Then write to the actors you CAN get.

Overall, you put a lot of work into this film and some things work. (For example, the sound is quite good for a low-budget film.) Keep it up. The next one will be better. As for my advice to others, you can probably do without seeing this one.
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