Decent ideas, horrible presentation
5 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Deadtime Stories 2 has a few highlight moments, but the presentation has a 'made in my high school film class' feel to it. I'd recommend this to someone who has run out of horror movies to watch, but otherwise it's a pass.

In the first story, I really liked the idea they presented. It's genuine and creepy, and is something that if done properly is quite terrifying. However, the presentation was way to simple, visually it looks like a spoof film or some amateur attempt. The scene with the bat is just laughable, and not in a good way. One thing that really stands out in these short movies is how much time and money they spent just on the gore effects. The effects are not very realistic, but unsettling nonetheless.

The second story was by far the most terrifying. I don't understand the strong motives for the girl to kill herself, seemed like an unrealistic jump, but it made for some spooky/scary reveals in the classroom. I had a good time watching this one.

The third story was a failure. Bad story (mars dust that cures cancer? what?) which inevitable turns into a zombie movie at the end. Not great and I'm not a big fan of throwing sex/nudity in there just to spice up an otherwise useless movie.

Overall I rated 4/10. Worth the first 2 stories if you've seen everything else already.
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