Roast the Warlock!
2 October 2011
Overall - just 'good enough'. Sheen provides a wealth of material and they skewer him well.

First of all - the dais is pretty disappointing. For a guaranteed ratings winner (it was CC's highest rated roast) a lot of the old, big names like Lisa Lampanelli, Gilbert Gottfried, Nick DiPaolo and others weren't there. And Jon Lovitz and Steve O are not worthy replacements. Not to mention no people from Charlie's world. I guess that says something about the guy right? Or maybe the producers are just getting lazy.

Speaking of which, they have to stop getting Seth MacFarlane to MC these things. He's gotten boring and doesn't bring anything special to the shows.

WINNING!!!: Jeff Ross owned the night - he's been roasting Charlie on their comedy tour and brings out the A material. Amy Schumer is also nice and nasty.

MIDDLE GROUND: Anthony Jeselnik has some good one-liners but his delivery is kinda annoying. I believe Patrice O'Neal when he said he had to throw out some of his prepared material. He seemed to be winging it a bit, but I like how he tried to describe the roasters (Anthony as a Medieval Restaurant waiter lol). William Shatner did well. Jon Lovitz...

TIGER DUD: Kate Walsh was pretty bland, Steve O was terrible, Mike Tyson was all over the place. Get rid of MacFarlane.

Overally it was funny and enjoyable - you have to be pretty lame to screw up a Charlie Sheen roast, but a bit more effort next time Comedy Central.
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