Xenoblade Chronicles (2010 Video Game)
The Beginning of an Epic, Wii, Swan Song.
30 September 2011

The greatest disappointment about Xenoblade Chronicles is that not everyone, who owns a Wii, will get the chance to play it. Due to some bizarre decisions from 'Nintendo of America', Xenoblade Chronicles has not been granted an NA release. This is a crying shame as Xenoblade Chronicles is by far, not only, one of the best Wii games that I have ever played but also one of the best JRPG's that I have ever come across.

The story is your usual fare of 'good vs evil', with that 'ordinary' guy chosen to be the hero; but there are so many twist and turns that you cannot help yourself but feel engrossed by it all. It makes me wonder that this could even but adapted into a successful film series. It does a great job of making you actually care for the characters, which is helped by the British voice cast who do a great job of bringing these individuals to life...for the most part. Sure there are a few instances here and there, but they are so minor you won't even be phased by it.

Xenoblade Chronicles plays very well and eases you into the battle mechanics without being patronising. But there is so much to it, over 80 hours in and I was still learning new techniques and strategies, it really is astounding how much there is to this game.

One criticism this game has been receiving is with its graphics. Everyone knows that the Wii is not a power house console, and it does show with Xenoblade. However the 'style' of this game is beyond incredible. The design of the various towns and battlefields, the looks of the many enemies roaming the grounds that you are exploring, it really shows the attention to detail that the designers used when creating this game, its simply beautiful.

Talking about things being 'beautiful', I can't finish without mentioning the sublime soundtrack that accompanies this game. Epic, inspiring and melodious are words that easily spring to mind. The grand scale of when your are exploring the fields of 'Bionis', the deep mood of when you are discovering 'Mechonis'. Every songs fits every moment perfectly; and lets not forget the final song, 'Beyond the Sky', which would give many Disney Films 'hit songs' a run for their money.

Simply put, if you own a Wii, and are starved for an epic game, then you deserve to pick this game up. If you are a fan of RPGs/JRPGS you really won't be disappointed.


To all my brethren, over seas, I wish you all the best with your campaign to get this game released in North America. Hopefully NoA can see the error of their ways and treat their fans with the respect you lot deserve.
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