Review of Big Babies

Big Babies (2010– )
Clever writing and original idea: putting adult heads, one of which is bearded, on 2 babies' bodies (Rocco & Brooks).
29 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This is a refreshing break from the usual children's TV I've seen for a long time,and I suppose the only reason it's had such a negative rating is because the basic idea might shock some people who have set ideas about what children's TV is for. The other thing is that it might be too 'non-US' for some people to find funny (judging by stats that say all the ratings of 10 are non-US).

As I see it, children's TV is not educational: that's a contradiction in terms for children, and a typically hypocritical adult way of looking at the way kid's TV is usually 'used' by adults. An important part of all the best kid's TV is that adults can watch it WITH their children... that's about as educational as TV gets!

This show delivers on all fronts in that respect: more please! The plot revolves around them getting into trouble in some way in every episode, and then being saved by a scraggy toy called Budge (unbeknownst to them). But it's the way it's done, not what they do that makes it so funny (e.g., the script often fits around the movements babies make, like a hand reaching out and patting something (the way a 10 mth-old might). I just want to give an example of some of the great writing, so SPOILER ALERT (although I don't really give much of the plot away)... They are in the car on their way to a dinosaur theme park:

  • Um.. when did dinodoors exist before they were made extincted? - Well, it's difficult to be pacific, but according to carbon baking, it was 1981. - What killed them off? - Duran Duran Duran

Followed by 5 seconds of Duran Duran's "Wild Boys".

These guys are indeed wild boys, shepherded all the while by a mum with a very old beat-up car and a striking yellow mac when out and about (her voice is actually the producer's). We never see her face which adds a strange sense of mystery, and when out, the babies usually have to keep face in spite of Gonch 'the coolest kid on the block' with his customized pushchair and bling. Watch it!!
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