Doomsday Prophecy (2011 TV Movie)
Very reasonable movie. Worth the watch!
21 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
After reading a comment on here about this movie being poor, I almost didn't watch this movie but out of boredom I thought how bad can it be. Well, I was pleasantly surprised. First up, the acting was great and there were quite a few cameo appearances early in the movie. Cameo as most of them were all killed off in massive disasters. The rest of the acting was good and by well known TV grade actors and applause to a job well done for the two lead actors who kept me rivited right to the end. The special effects which I was expecting to be crappy were actually quite reasonable and spot on for what one expects from a made for TV movie. All up I was disappointed when the movie ended because I was enjoying it so much. This is definitely a movie to add to your watch list. Now comes the spoilers: The movie is about the earth's up coming demise in 2012 when the earth reaches galactic allignment. AT this time a rogue dark star enters the solar system and the gravitational pull from this causes massive plate shifts resulting in earth quakes and the destruction of cities. Some of the destruction is shown in some fairly reasonable special effects whilst others is just talked about on the radio but then again why would you show Canada being destroyed when the story is elsewhere ? There is a gun battle and a chase spanning two days as a rogue government agent tries obtrain an ancient device our lead actors managed to get just in the nick of time. I wont tell you more because it will ruin a perfectly good story. Enjoy.
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