Enjoyable Blackie entry with ample laughs, no big surprises
24 September 2011
Blackie and the Runt rescue a woman (Lynn Merrick) who's been attacked in the street right in front of their building. They carry in the unconscious woman, who is quickly identified as Gerry Peyton, one of Blackie's old flames. Nothing much new so far, but when they open the bedroom door we see the main twist that this series entry has to offer: a baby!

Rather quickly, the rest of the plot is set into motion—Gerry's husband, a gunshot from around the corner of a doorway, some doubts about the identity of the baby and the honesty of Gerry. (Honestly, it's funny that Blackie and the Runt aren't suspicious of Lynn Merrick right away, since she just played a character pulling a similar deception on them in Boston Blackie Booked on Suspicion!)

If you're familiar with the Boston Blackie series, you'll easily guess who is accused of the first murder and also who does the accusing. Yes, Inspector Farraday is—as always—shocked that Blackie has stooped to murder, but after all, Blackie did have a good motive and was caught with the body in his apartment. He must be guilty!

Blackie and the Runt, Farraday and his sidekick Matthews are all in good form. The story's nothing special but it moves fast. Blackie once again disguises himself as an old man…and in a nice touch, Matthews turns up in the same disguise! (Blackie and Farraday had the same idea, it seems.)

Easygoing fun that's all wrapped up in exactly an hour.
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