Spiritual movie!
22 September 2011
The story centers around a family with three boys in the 1950s. The eldest son witnesses the loss of innocence (plot).

An incoherent mass of visual beauty.. i have been waiting a long time to see this film for many reason first my favorite actor Sean Penn secondly Mr Malick and the Magnificence poster !.

Malick does not leave it up to the audience to figure out the meaning of this film revealing it in the opening minutes of the film, this film Directed for a very high branch on the cinematic tree.

The film explores the notion that everyone faces the choice between nature and grace as a path through life. Struggle or compromise. Cunning or tolerance.

Without spoilers words this film was great experience for me, great cinematographer, music, acting by Brad Pitt and the little boy, the opening scene and the epilogue of the film was great carry a lot of emotions.
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