Review of Hermanos

Breaking Bad: Hermanos (2011)
Season 4, Episode 8
Who is the "Chicken Man"?
16 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
We start with a familiar scene with Walt and Gus from last season after the cousins shootout with Hank. We then see a scene where Gus talks with Tio Hector, he explains the situation and then tells him that this comes of blood for blood. Walt is about to get a scan when another cancer patient tries to start a conversation with him. We says the he no longer has any control of his life, when Walt tells him to always keep control. Walt knows that he eventually will die, but until then he has control over his life.

Hank and his coworkers call Gus to talk about the Gale Boetticher case, they have a sit down and Gus manages to answer every one of their question with ease, except the one about his past. How much do we know about Gustavo Fring? Hank, not satisfied with how the interrogation went, asks Walt to plant a bug on Gus's car. Walt informs Gus of this and promises that he will do everything in his power to make sure that Hank finds nothing.

Aside from Hank, Gus has to deal with the cartel, who are angry over his decision in the last episode and Walt learns that Jesse has been keeping secrets from him. The last scene is a long flashback scene were we learn a lot more about Gus and his connection with the cartel, and what he meant by "sangre por sangre". Incredibly well done scene, with a very tense atmosphere. Proof as to why Breaking Bad is one of the best shows on television.
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