This must have played a lot better during the Depression.
12 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
"Make a Million" is an odd little curio from the Depression era. It begins with an annoying professor railing about 'distribution problems' in the economy and suggesting a 90% tax on inheritance. When a rich lady balks at what he says, he basically tells her she's an idiot and fails her in the class. However, her father is an important guy and the school is out for the professor's head. Frankly, both the professor and board of directors are idiots, as neither seem very open to any divergent thought. The professor is told to use his crazy ideas to earn a million dollars--then the school will reinstate him (?????). This plot, so far, made almost no sense at all--nor did the romance that inexplicably develops.

Soon the professor meets a professional beggar and decides that he can make a million by begging. However, instead of begging one person at a time, he suggests running an ad asking the masses for a dollar from each. Soon, a reporter gets the story and publicizes it--and dollars start pouring in to the professor and his 'World Improvement League'. But, the powers of the status quo are worried about this notion--it strikes them as radicalism and they'll stop at nothing to stop him.

This film about socialism versus strict capitalism COULD have been interesting--especially since rich folks were very worried about communism and talk about redistribution of the wealth that were spurred on by widespread unemployment. Sadly, the film WASN'T interesting and the characters all seemed phony. A dumb script and a film that acts like it's being profound about the common man when it really isn't--as I found the movie to be annoying and very, very, very contrived. Don't believe the print from Alpha Video--they call it a screwball comedy. Doesn't a screwball comedy need to be funny?!
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