Space: 1999: New Adam New Eve (1976)
Season 2, Episode 6
the seduction
12 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I like the concept of the Adam and Eve's..the God like magician it turn out to be..was okay..I was waiting for his fake mustache to fall any minute looked like the glue was coming off one side of it..and like Rules of Luton and The Seance Spector.. there were signs them seeing what if John and Maya got Rules of Luton at one point you thought any minute they would kiss and if they did would they bring that guilt back to face their true loves I wanted to see if Helena and tony was jealous and hiding it from them always suspicious did something else this episode John and Maya kiss was very hot and damn it was interrupted ....there was nothing between Helena and Tony not even a ember uneventful..but John and Maya..I could see them together..But John had chemistry with any woman he was with
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