Review of Arena

Star Trek: Arena (1967)
Season 1, Episode 18
11 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This is one episode I'll watch over and over because of the hilarious fight scenes between Kirk and the Gorn. Wrestling commentator Kent Walton used to make a lot of 'speed and agility'...well I wonder what he would've made of the Gorn!! Telegraphing his punches? He was using carrier pigeons.

The actual storyline is a bit daft because the Gorns want the human 'invaders' off 'their planet' Cestus 3, yet they lure more humans there with a fake distress signal. This heralds the chase to the death where the Metrons intercede. Not a brilliant entry to the Star Trek legend, but the scenes on the asteroid are a laugh with the breathless lizard throwing huge polystyrene boulders at Kirk. Then later, Kirk's at the top of a cliff where there's a boulder waiting on the edge (that's straight out of The Roadrunner Vs Wile E Coyote!)...our poor giant lizard is industriously making a man trap below and Kirk looks at the boulder...then at the Gorn...and I feel for the Gorn just like I do for the poor Coyote because we know what's coming...poor bugger!

This isn't really a classic episode, but an unintentionally very funny one.
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