Review of Possession

Possession (2002)
Eckhart and Paltrow Should Have Said No
11 September 2011
I think Mr. Eckhart is nice to look at but doesn't convince me that he is a lover of poetry. was Jude Law busy? I think Ms. Paltrow is the luckiest person ever born. As a matter of fact, she was born exactly one half of one inch from home base and declared to have had a home run and. indeed, run the bases in record time. But for the accident of her birth, we would never have had to deal with one film after another that demonstrates how lucky she is and how unlucky we are. Sometimes talent is inherited and sometimes nepotism leads to ... yet another example of the perpetually miscast and unappealing mother of Apple boring us to tears. The story works better as a book than a film because while it makes little sense, it was helped with very nice prose. Perhaps had it starred an actress with some warmth and style we would at least have enjoyed watching it wander from one improbability to the next. Oh well, at least as she gets older we will be spared the incessant drum beat of how marvelous she is and she will become the next former young beauty who has less and less opportunity to wander vacantly through various movies like a lost member of the audience but for her very good luck in her choice of parents. Can't wait.
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