Review of X

X (XIII) (2011)
A Depressing Yawner
10 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The moral of X seems to be that there is no hope, everyone is bad, you are going to get beat up or killed, you'll have to sell your body for a living, so you might as well disappear. A seventeen year old girl who runs away after her mother dies presumably from a heroin overdose, comes to the big city and by chance meets a high class call girl who is desperate to find a brunette to participate with her in a three way. The gig goes horribly wrong however, when a dirty cop shows up and for no explained reason whatsoever, kills the john and then pointlessly spends the rest of the movie hunting down and beating up the two hookers who witnessed it, even though they are less than likely to report him anyway. The call girl happens to be involved with another cop who wants to take her away from all of that, but of course she doesn't want to go, and the young girl meets a handsome and kind taxi driver / magician who wants to be her boyfriend, but of course she chooses to remain on the streets instead and give out hand jobs for fifty dollars a pop. Nothing in the film X makes any sense and there really isn't any plot other than a crazy cop repeatedly catching the girls, beating them up only to have them escape on him again. The sex scenes aren't sexy. All the men save for the taxi driver are disgusting. X didn't invoke a single emotion in me (unless feeling depressed or feeling hopelessness are considered emotions) but it sure made me yawn. Maybe there should be a warning on the label of the video that it may inspire suicide.
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