Direct Nazi propaganda but entertaining
7 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Ironicly this film is banned in Germany in the video market.It can be played at the Marnau archive theater in education events,Only Hypocriticaly ,"Die Grosse Liebe, and ,"Two in the city, and Wunsconzert are the same kind of movies. With the swastikas the and hale Hitlers etcetera. Those movies aren't banned in Germany and they are restored. This film is not restored yet.The plot is exactly like Die Grossie Liebe. Three Sergeants, who are friend, are fighting against the good guys that are not seen in this picture.Sergeant Rauscher, played by Albert Hen, Sergeant Fritz Kohlhammer,played by Fritz Genschow,Sergeant Struwe ,played by Wilhelm Konig.On their Furlough, they get mix up with some Freulines. Womanizer Fritzs plays with two women. One physical exercise instructor Kathy,played by Hilde Schnieder and Telephone operator Lisabeth,played by Ingebord Von Kusserow. He gets Fritz to help him out as he stood Kathy up.He meet her down town. While Fritz gets together with Lisabeth for supper. She's p- off with him. Rausch is involved in the theater who needed soldiers for the play. He is a book worm and is engaged to book store sales lady Charlotte, played by Claire Winters.But he falls in love with actress Gerda, played by Ruth Hellberg. But Lauterbach theater conductor,played by Kristian Kayssler, is also in love with her too.Does not like the soldier wanting her too and tries to tell her how love with a soldier is a risk.Struwe is having a great time with Kathy.Fritz and Lisabeth are getting along.But emergency call back all the Nazi soldiers to fight the good guys again.during the battle field, two of the friends star to talk about their personal lives as they watch their soldiers kill the unseen good guys. No body gets injured .When it's furlough time,Gerda ask Eric to go with her on tour. But he has to ask permission. Kathy and Struwe are in love with each other.When Eric finds out From Gerda's landlady ,played by Luise Morland, Lautenbach has been telling her about his relationship with Gerda, he gets mad and breaks into the back stage against the police, to talks with Gerda about this. He legally gets in trouble, Struwe,Rauch and Frits have a fight over this.He can avoid the penalty for what he did if he retires from the military.Lisabeth agrees with Fritz about buying a house for them.But I never heard the word Phelope for engaged or Ihraten for Marriage. Struwe begs Gerda to cancel the tour and consider encouraging him to go Eric to go back in and face the penalty,I think?. Later Fritz Beg him to take back his uniform and face the penalty. He agrees but get's a letter from Gerda to go see her.Fritz begs Eric not to go ,only to find her in the arms of Lauterbach. He goes back to the military borrowing Fritz Uniform to face the penalty. He goes up to Sergeant Core,played by Wolfgang Staudte, I think thats actor, And confesses and want to go back to war. Fritz shows up and told him that it was his fault not Eric. Because of war the charges are dropped and back to the front where if and when Berlin is invaded . The three friends will end up at an American Prison Camp. Worsed be shot by American battalion or End up at A Russian concentration camp until 1955, Now thats my guess not the movie.In spite of the message it's entertaining, in spite of not being restored . This would offend the politically correct, since they deny the past. Of course we ,who watch this genre,would offend them thats too bad! available at Reichs Kino dot com

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