Dr Thackery Was the One
5 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Lovely Dr Phyllis Thackery (June Lockhart) is called in to look after a ranch cook who is down with smallpox. She realises force will be required to control those who've been exposed and wires for Paladin. He immediately comes to her aid.

When the cowboys show up and hear the news they're ready to stampede. At the time enlightened physicians knew that vaccination was a certain prevention against smallpox Unfortunately there was a great deal of fear, superstition and wrong information in the common populace.

Paladin sees the real truth in the relationship between the father and son who run the ranch and he doesn't hold back. There's a lot of confrontation and Paladin is quite the enforcer.

Boone acts the gamut from love to blind rage. It's believable that Paladin was beating Fred the Foreman to death. No one did scary quite like Richard Boone. He could do regular guy in a fury or bad guy or homicidal maniac better than any other actor of his generation. Be sure to appreciate him emoting.

Best Quote: 'No, I've been explaining why I haven't proposed,' Paladin to Dr Thackeray, when she asks him if he is proposing to her.

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