That '70s Show: Holy Crap! (2000)
Season 2, Episode 23
Day by day by day by day
3 September 2011
Easily the best episode of That '70s Show, as it's the one with the most laugh-out-loud moments and best written dialogue. One of the very few episodes with a plot that deals around the whole religion subject, it contains the legendary moment where Kittie goes to church alone, and Leo comes in and sits next to her, completely astonished by the atmosphere, remarking, "It's almost like a religious experience!" Also gotta love Midge's reaction to Kittie being by herself.

Fez competing against Kelso in growing out a beard is definitely in the top 5 best moments in the whole series.

"Aww, now we made Patchy upset"

A few more noteworthy moments are Red's reasons why he doesn't go to church, Hyde's little rant about organized religion, the youth minister's talk in the living room, and the circle was an extra good'un.

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