Review of Zookeeper

Zookeeper (2011)
23 August 2011
This movie sucked. Let's not beat around the bush. I saw it with my 8-year-old daughter. She thought it was "OK", which for her is really telling, since she likes almost any move she sees. This movie sucked hard enough even to get *her* attention.

I'm glad some reviewers enjoyed it. Fantastic. Is this really something to brag about? You enjoyed it and your child did--aaaaaand, that says what about you? It says you don't get out as much as you should.

The script? Wow. Boring, predictable, annoying, vapid, meaningless, pointless... Do I need to go on? James' character is inexplicably drawn to a shallow, annoying woman, and ignores the woman he should be paying attention to. This goes in--agonizingly--until the very last minute, when the boring, predictable, annoying finale takes place. The only satisfying thing is that when it does, this crapfest is finally over.

I don't see how anyone associated with this film could not have found it utterly humiliating to be a part of. I was embarrassed for the voice actors. Stallone as the male lion was ridiculous, but look what he had to work with. Rudolph as the giraffe was truly annoying. There wasn't a single good line in this awful movie.

A family movie? You'd think a family movie would be successful at entertaining... Oh, I dunno, at least *one* type of family member. This film was so lame it doesn't entertain anyone who has seen another film within the past 25 years or so.
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