WKRP in Cincinnati: Love Returns (1978)
Season 1, Episode 8
Maybe You And Me Were Never Meant To Be
24 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Travis's ex-girlfriend country rocker Linda Taylor (Barrie Youngellow) comes through Cincinnati on her seemingly endless North American tour.

At her press conference Les asks a bunch of dumb questions like he always does. We aren't going to find anything out if his questions are the only ones that get asked which is why it is lucky Howard R.Sternworthy - news director of WPIG is there too.

Sternworthy, an abrasive, rude and cynical individual in keeping with the way in which WPIG (WKRP's hated rivals and the number one station in town) employees would be depicted during the series, asks Linda some very probing, invasive and even accusatory questions about her love life.

Her diplomatic answers nevertheless betray how lonely she is and Travis shows up there just to look in from the back of the room, maybe see if she remembers him. She catches sight of him and is entranced.

They hook up on her day off from the tour and things feel the same. Now a very successful artist she has a whole entourage and tries to hire him away. It is very tempting and it is not like Travis wouldn't fit in with her lifestyle. Her tour schedule likely includes radio stations he has worked at or at very least people he has worked with. He very nearly quits WKRP but can't follow through.

Why doesn't Travis go away with this woman? He has the job he wants though he might be putting his career as well as his heart first by going with her. In the end it is more likely he sees the rekindled fling for what it is - the loneliness of a musician on the road and nostalgia for a time when everything was less complicated. It isn't real and Travis sees that though he can't bear to tell her to her face.

The lyrics of opening theme of WKRP In Cincinnati seem autobiographical though it is clear Gary Sandy who played Travis isn't singing them. The line "Got kinda tired of packin' and unpackin', town to town up and down the dial. Maybe you and me were never meant to be, just maybe think of me once in awhile". This episode indicates more than any other that those lyrics reference Travis.

This was one of the first attempts the series took at exploring a more serious narrative. Any storyline less than screwball would be a more serious narrative since the previous episode was the turkey bombing.

This episode always seemed out of place to me. Not necessarily bad (Although not entirely successful with what they tried to do) just not what I expected in this particular series. It also marked the beginning and end of Bailey's crush on Travis.
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