Good for a laugh or two
16 August 2011
This show is only good for a few laughs and that's about it. Otherwise it's mostly composed of watching them roam around in some locale while being filmed in a weird night-vision that gives them evil looking eyes.

In an average episode they will proclaim such things as "Did you hear that?" or "I think I saw something." or "I saw a shadow over there." No real evidence is really shown that really shows a ghost, it's mostly some so called audio evidence of a knock or some voice that is just about impossible to make out. The photographic evidence too is nothing of note as it's composed mostly of some shadow or mist.

Somehow it reminds me of the opening of Ghostbusters, where they are investigating the ghost at the library and when they encounter her they don't know what really to do and run out. Somehow I can imagine the same thing would happen to these guys if they actually saw a real ghost, they would run away in a heartbeat.

About the only good thing about the show is seeing locales that one will likely never be able to visit, and for that I give it 2 stars.
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