Review of Thor

Thor (2011)
Another Marvel success
14 August 2011
When it comes to Marvel Studios, they really know how to put well made movies together. Better yet they know how to adapt them from their source material and make them into entertaining, humorous, and action packed movies. They started with surprisingly great Iron Man, then went on to make an improved Incredible Hulk movie than the 2003 Ang Lee version, and last year they put out, the not quite as good as the first but still enjoyable, Iron Man 2. Now this year we get to Thor, and in July Captain America.

Thor might not be as well known as Spider-man or even Iron Man, but once audiences check out his movie he will definitely be known. He is the God of thunder, son of Odin (Anthony Hopkins), and he's played by Australian actor Chris Hemsworth. When his father banishes him to Earth he meets a girl named Jane (Natalie Portman) and her research team which consists of Kat Dennings and Stellan Skarsgard. While on Earth, his father falls into a deep coma allowing his brother Loki (Tom Hiddelston) to be King and force his ways on everyone in Asgard. All the while Thor must find his mighty hammer, for it holds great power.

Throughout the movie we get lots of action sequences, some laugh out loud moments, and even some well played out drama that works mainly because of the chemistry between Hemsowrth and Portman. Kenneth Branagh has put together a movie most thought wouldn't work well or fit in well with the other characters in the Avengers since Thor is a Norse God and isn't from Earth. So it's a good thing they were able to make such an enjoyable movie out of his character otherwise he could have brought down the Avengers in a way.

One of the problems a lot of people had with Iron Man 2 was the fact that they tried way too hard to put in little hints at the Avengers whenever they could. In the end it felt it was just too many and the majority were not needed. With Thor, they handle all the Avengers mentions quite well. Other than a scene after the credits with Samuel L. Jackson back as Nick Fury, we also get Jeremy Renner showing us a little of his character Hawkeye who will be in the Avengers, as well as Clark Gregg back as Agent Coulson who works for S.H.I.E.L.D.

All in all I would say definitely go out and see Thor while it's in the theater. It's a great summer popcorn film that the whole family should be able to enjoy.

Rating: 8/10
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