Utter and complete waste of time
11 August 2011
I actually had to browse my dictionary to find words capable of explaining how bad this movie is. Since "excellent" is the exact opposite of what this movie is, words like "failure" ,"imperfection" and "inferiority" should, in theory, be adequate to convey my feelings on this movie. Still, those words are not even close to sufficiently explain the amount of mental torture I endured while watching.

This movie is not scary, it is a manifestation of complete emptiness and boredom. Watching this must be pretty close to what Hell is supposed to be. At one moment I actually felt like Alex in "A Clockwork Orange", being forced to watch human depravity on the silver screen. Maybe this movie was made to deter the viewers from ever watching a movie ever again, if this is the case it is pretty close to achieving this goal.

If you ever get a mortal enemy or nemesis in your life, please don't just kill them. Force them to watch this movie over and over again for the rest of their life. I'm personally considering shipping a copy to Guantanamo or Abu Ghraib, as this will significantly give them an option to raise the level of torture to a new level.

To the makers of this: I believe that all human beings have something they're good at in their lives. Movie-making is clearly not where you shine. Please, please find something else to do, before you bring the whole of the human race into a massive and fatal depression.
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