It's a bit of a guilty pleasure--I really enjoyed it and it was NOT the sleazy film you'd think it was based on the poster
8 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I watched "Sensation Hunters" for two reasons--it looked like a very scandalous Pre-Code film and it was free to download (from the IMDb link). However, I was happy to see that while it had strong Pre-Code sensibilities, it was NOT a salacious film like you'd think based on the poster currently used on its page on IMDb.

The film begins with Dale (Marion Burns) being incorrectly assumed to be among the aristocrats traveling on a cruise ship. However, this classy lady is actually a member of a group of traveling 'dames'--low-class showgirls who would normally never be mistaken for the upper crust! During this time, she meets a nice rich guy and he grows to love her regardless of her social status. But, she did lie to him and this and some other misunderstandings keep these two apart for much of the rest of the film--which is a shame as they are head-over-heels with each other.

Once they land, Dale finds that the woman that runs the troop is a horrid lady--with the heart of a rabid wolverine. Not surprisingly, she and her new buddy end up leaving and they have it very, very rough. So rough that the friend is stabbed and Dale appears to have no option other than to sell her body to keep her friend in the hospital. Yet, despite all this, this is an amazingly chaste film. Dale is a very good woman and the audience is drawn to her and her problems. Perhaps the ending is a bit too perfect--but I really enjoyed it. Despite a very low pedigree (due to a low budget, sleazy marketing and the type of production values you'd expect in a Monogram film), the overall product is actually surprisingly good and, at times, clever.
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