Human guilt, Remorse, Redemption.
6 August 2011
It is a very serious drama. I suppose it is for only the serious audience, due to the movie's mature story. In a way it's like one of those movies like 'No Country For Old Men', because when I was very young, a simple kid, and saw that movie, I was actually bored by it. But now I look at them with great awe and wonder, how the hell was I not moved by this back then? So my strict opinion, is that kids and superficial/immature people will not enjoy 'Monster's Ball'. But as for the people who will enjoy it, this is truly one of thee greatest human drama's ever. Ideas of grief, remorse, redemption, moving on/letting go and choices and their consequences are presented here in a simple story of one man and one woman, who both had lost someone very dear to them and afterwards, they both connect in a way, that only people who have experienced a great loss can. The performance of the three lead actors(Billy Bob Tornton, Heath Ledger and Halle Berry) are really moving. Especially Halle Berry, who is amazing beyond words here. It was obvious that she would at least win the Academy Award for best actress for this role, and she did among many other awards. And even though Heath Ledger was on screen for a very short time, it was really fascinating to see him in action, perfect as always.

Definitely recommended for drama fans and mature audience.
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