The Black Dawn (2009– )
An incredible waste of potential in the details
28 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This is a basic "end of the world" type of story, and the main story works as it drives to a conclusion.

The problem is that the science is so badly botched and ill handled that it cripples the story, makes it nearly impossible to even accept the premise, and repeatedly takes the viewer out of the story.

A bioweapon is deployed to render cities empty of life but undamaged. If everyone in a city were to just drop dead there would be incidental fires that would erupt, and without fire control units the cities would be engulfed in flames in less than ninety six hours, but that is ignored as LA keeps its lights on and nothing happens except for a black cloud that blocks the sun. If sunlight was blocked for a prolonged period of time the surface temperature would drop, too. That is ignored and the action takes place in an LA is just LA at night for over three weeks, the temperature never dipping because of the sunlight blockage average of a slightly over 1.5c per day reduction accumulating during the over three weeks of the story. What volume of particulate mass would be required to block sunlight over that large an area? Hint: It would be well over a one and a half million metric tons, and to have it not dissipate over a three week period means the mass needs to increase by a factor of over twenty. The bioweapon is a toxin, but they keep referencing it as a virus, and they speak gobbledygook more than anything else in dealing with the science aspects.

This bioweapon (toxin) would kill not only people, but most of the other animal life, too. If you only consider the people in LA and average their weight, children and adults, to nominalize at one hundred pounds (forty five kilograms) each that means over six hundred million pounds (over two hundred seventy two million kilograms) of rotting flesh from humans alone, and rats, dogs, cats, and other animals would easily double that amount. You would not be able to tolerate the environ of the LA area if that was taking place, but they didn't even notice a bad smell?

An interesting series, a bit abrupt, but gutted by so many absolutely basic details being mishandled it makes it painful. As a calling card for the actors, perhaps this is a good card, but the technical work is only so-so and the writing is painfully bad.

It is seven short episodes, and it is worth a watch if you can get past the idea of a totalitarian anarchist group using an impossible bioweapon with preposterously bad effects and behaviors by alleged college students that don't seem to think ahead at any point in the story.
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