Fear (1996)
The only thing scary about this movie is Wahlberg's bad acting...
28 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is way too predictable to be able to be enjoyed. You can see everything coming a mile away. Isn't that the antithesis of what a suspense film should be? Shouldn't I be surprised when something happens? After all, isn't suspense just a feeling you get when you're not sure what's about to happen? If so, it would seem the word and the movie are a contradiction in terms.

The acting is pretty stale as far as I'm concerned. Reese Witherspoon plays the pretty idiot. She doesn't really have that much to say in this movie, even though she's basically the main character. As far as Mark Wahlberg is concerned...Man, oh man, is he a terrible actor or what? I seriously don't see what other people like about him. I think this movie would've been better than it was had they been able to find a better actor to play Wahlberg's character. What was it I didn't like about Wahlberg's performance? Well, for starters...His "good guy" persona was way too transparent. You'd have to be a complete moron to not know this guy was a fake. The pickup lines he was feeding Reese were being put on so thick I about wanted to hurl...Why do girls buy this kind of crap? Meanwhile, his "bad guy" wasn't very intimidating as far as I'm concerned. If I would've been Reese's dad, I would've opened a can of a whoop-ass on Mr. Marky Mark here.

Overall, this movie is a "by the numbers" suspense flick. Nothing new. No surprises. No suspense. I'd recommend passing it up. This is just a stupid movie and a big waste of time.
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