Good Czech entertainment from the late thirties
25 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This was more difficult in sub plot, since there were no subtitles.But it was a a funny comedy.The funny looking character with glasses and a mustache,played possibly Vlasta Burian as the assistant Lawyer Jan Damian. For main Attorney , I think, more Handsome and fuller with glasses too, Ladislave Hemmer, playing D.r. Jiri Faulkner. They are also roommates or it looks that way.There is one funny scene in which this couple wants a divorce, They aren't really sure.When They talk about the situation, this assistance don't seem to feel that they should get one. so He opens the window and the wind comes in and the husband cough , the wife being concerned, decides to take him home cause of it's cold. That solves the problem he feels.Later when they come back , the husband give s that alimony out and the assistant shows it to the wife , But asks her to think about it for a couple of seconds if they want the divorce. They both do and decide not too. but they don't get their money back because it's a lawyer's fee all of a sudden, he keeps it for himself.Now for D.r. Jiri,He's a main attorney for an aristocratic family, in which he is in love with their daughter Julie, played by Adina Mandlova. He's taking care of their estate. Their some kind of problem that the family has legally. In fact there a scene where it seems that Jan makes a threat to let the family know what Jiri's up too concerning them unless he allowed to do something. It seems he get's involved with the problems of the family of his boss. It manages to irritate some of the family ,like the mother,Alzbeta, played by Milada Gampeova. But they got some kind of problem that prevents Julie and Jiri from getting Married? or do they fall in love.The scene at the apartment of both roommates , Jan insist on chaperoning , when Julie visits, He eventually fall asleep. I think they go out? or do they go into his bedroom?. It come to the time where the family is getting all their Passions together or antiques to solve their financial problem, when the trouble maker shows up and Jan save the day after he got him drunk by playing a ghost relative stopping him. The families place is saved and Julie and Jir can go on their winter honeymoon. guess who goes with them? Jan . If I knew Czech I would under stand it better. 07/25/11
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