A decent time-passer.
19 July 2011
I have never understood the appeal of Stu Erwin. In the 1930s and 40s, he starred in quite a few films--most of which were pretty ordinary (at best). While it was nice to see his nice-guy character, he was also pretty forgettable and bland. Here he is again, starring in another B-movie that is pretty ordinary. It's not offensive or dumb--but also not all that interesting either and has 'time-passer' written all over it.

Mr. Boggs is a nice guy who has a weird fixation with trivia and statistics. He works a very ordinary job and has a rather dull life. However, when he wins a contest, he impulsively quits his job. Then, also rather impulsively, he buys a barrel-making business and tries to make it work--though it was on the verge of bankruptcy. And, because he's so nice, he can't stand the idea of selling out and laying off all his employees--plus doing this will sour his relationship with a new lady in his life. Will Mr. Boggs make it work?

As I said, the film is pretty ordinary--which isn't all that surprising considering it was made by tiny Grand National--a small-time studio along the lines of PRC. Nothing bad or good--sort of like the Wonderbread of the film industry.
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