A classic. One of the best animated films ever.
16 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
It is impossible to watch GotF and not feel sad at the end. This film is so beautiful, and yet so heart-breaking, that it has to be one of the greatest animated movies in history. Disney is good and all, but the death of Mufasa & Bambi's mother and Snow White's funeral, while pretty saddening, are not as gut-wrenching and endearing as the masterpiece that is Grave. Set in Kobe, Japan at the end of World War II, the story tells of a teenage boy (Seita) and his 4 year-old sister (Setsuko) as they struggle to survive after their mother was killed in an air raid. A story such as this is undoubtedly going to ultimately turn out tragic, and it does. Not wishing to spoil anything, however, I shall not go into details, but to see Seita taking care of Setsuko, something which becomes increasingly difficult, does nothing more than make you feel for both of them. This is no typical Hollywood romantic love story; this is a story of love between a boy and his sister, which makes one feel for them even more. The animation, the music (notably the song "Home Sweet Home"), everything is as it should be. Nothing more to be expected from the great director Isao Takahata. If you do not like tragic films, then maybe this isn't for you. If that is not the case, then watch it. The experience is nothing short of beautiful.
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