A REVIEW made by a REAL FAN, of the harry potter BOOKS.
14 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
FIRST OF ALL THIS IS A MOVIE RATED 13+ ,SO.... (no lots of blood, no nudity, no corpses)

OK, i have read lots of reviews made by movie fans, but i wanted to make a review made to all of you that are seeking for "the changes" if it "sticks" to the book and all that stuff....

Let me start by saying this is an AWESOME movie, full of action, you will certainly cry in a moment, or you will always be crying... amazed, and all that stuff, but... YES, it is full with CHANGES from the book, but really they are all perfectly made, they put a little more here, a little more there, they cut some parts that for us the "fans" are important, but hey this is a MOVIE, if you want the real deal read the book.

So said that, i have to say, that all the fights are amazing, the acting is REALLY REALLY so upgraded, from everybody.

There are gorgeous visuals, and the 3D really complements all the spells, and all that stuff, in the Hogwarts battle scene, it looks like a video game, like i don't know it looks so good, awesome, you WILL be stunned,but...

if you are looking for the BOOK, if you are looking for THAT for the real thing, you will be disappointed,Voldemort's dead scene is bad. REALLY bad. That is all i will say.

What i have to recognize is that, they really gave Snape all the emotion he needed, i have to admit i cried like a starving baby during most of his scenes, it is perfectly written, his part, all of it, ALL.

There are no scenes with "ron, Hermione" fighting, i really wished there where, not just running from side to side.

The love between Ron, Hermione is perfect, they added more emotion to their kiss is BETTER than in the book, the scene is written just for THAT kiss and it's totally worth it, but Ginny's and Harry's kiss is awful, i feel like they never gave them a try to have their love moment, it always feels so rushed, with no chemistry at all.

This movie has so many little details, that make you remember all the past ones, and they are so perfect, so well made, from the songs, the music, to little things that you will say: oh!!, remember that?. I really appreciate that.

I will finish this by SAYING, thank you, Harry Potter, thank you JK Rowling, your books are, your world, you made me believe in it. But THANKS GOD the movies are over, THANKS GOD for real.

It's certainly the best, it cannot be compared of course, this is all action.

But hey, give it a try, you WON'T , and i mean it you won't have a bad time watching it, it's pleasantly enjoyable.
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