Quo Vadis (1951)
Goebbels would've been proud.
13 July 2011
Quo Vadis can be summed up in one word: propaganda.

Goebbels' glee would've been unending at the success of this movie, it's a masterpiece in his most beloved occupation: twisting history to make christians look better.

If you're looking for the source of the unwarranted persecution complex of the bible-thumping hordes, this is it.

Expect to be unrelentingly force-fed fabrications utterly inaccurate about ancient Rome and its oh so evil pagans, oh so poor christians and oh so ubiquitous lions. What do you mean "there is no evidence christians were ever fed to the lions"? Quo Vadis says so, who cares for historical evidence!

Expect a sappy love story to make the propaganda more palatable. Expect top-drawer actors of the time prostituting themselves to this utter farce. Expect the worst.
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