21st Century, All-American Godzilla Movie
11 July 2011
When I was a kid, I used to watch Godzilla movies on TV every Saturday. I loved watching the rubber monsters duke it out. As an adult, I still do, scarily enough.

What we have with Transformers 3 is a Godzilla movie. Only this is not some low-budget affair with men in rubber suits. This is an over-budgeted, over-produced, CGI monstrosity! In 3-D!!! Michael Bay, one of my least-favorite directors working in A-list Hollywood these days, has made his masterpiece. This is the biggest, fastest, loudest and perhaps MEANEST 150 minutes (yes, this mofo is 2 1/2 hours long!) I've spent in a movie theater in a long while.

The first 20 minutes of Transformers 3, which tie the ensuing storyline to the first moon landing, are a tour de force of contemporary, big-budget Hollywood filmmaking: dynamic, gripping, utterly stupid, completely absorbing. Bay's best work! (Faint praise, I will admit.)

I hated the first Transformers movie. Hated, hated, HATED it. I never even saw the second one. But this one, number 3, was *exactly* what I wanted. It was like I was in my backyard with two of the original Hasbro toys in my hands, banging them together in a fight to the finish... only much, much louder.
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