Root for the Killer
9 July 2011
After reading the reviews on the site where I got the movie from, it was evident that this wasn't a great movie, but had interesting twists. After watching the first half hour of this movie though and realizing that the killer would take out most if not all the people made me wish that they would do it faster.

I wish I had skipped the first 35 minutes or so. There are a few bra and pantie scenes but no nudity, or anything interesting in the start except 6 people go away to one guys uncle's cabin. Until the scene where they go for the drive to get beer, the movie is pretty boring and I wanted to kill those kids too. They are annoying as hell and make you wonder if people actually behave like that.

The gore is interesting and enjoyable. The sniper as you see in the opening shot has amazing accuracy and you root for him unless you like annoying teenagers of course.

Not a great movie, but worth a watch through. Few small acting scenes are good, the rest pretty average.
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