A compelling account of the Palestinian perspective.
8 July 2011
There is no doubt that this is a one-sided movie. If you love Israel, this will be a very difficult film to watch, and you'll probably be highly critical.

But if you're interested in understanding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, this is best and most digestible account of the Palestinian perspective.

Don't take everything in this movie at face value. There's plenty of pandering to your heart, crying mothers, and upset children. But it is well researched, with a good account of the history of the conflict, and it eloquently explains many of the hot button issues for the Palestinian man on the street.. life under occupation, religious discrimination, US support for Israel, Gaza, and checkpoints.

After watching this, you'll understand better why a small minority turn to violence, and you'll have much more admiration for the large majority of Palestinians who've suffered and protested peacefully their lack of rights through 40 years of military occupation.

The movie is now a few years old, but it's still relevant.

I highly recommend this movie. It can be found online.
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