Twin Peaks (1990–1991)
Hardly the sensation I was expecting.
7 July 2011
I started watching AMC's 'The Killing' recently and everywhere I look I saw comparisons or mentions of Twin Peaks at some point in the conversation. I'd heard about it for years but as I was just a small child when it first aired, I hadn't known much about it first hand. Though I was wary at first -- I knew this was a David Lynch project and quite frankly I don't like his style -- I'd heard so many good things I just couldn't resist delving into this 'cult hit'.

I decided to grab a copy of season one and season two expecting to be utterly blown away as I was repeatedly assured I would be. Taking into account that this was A) produced between the late 80s to early 90s and B) David Lynch's brainchild, I gave this show a lot of wiggle room. But all the leeway in the world couldn't help this show. I sat down to the first season wondering when I was going to start caring about any of the main characters and when it would stop playing out like a corny soap opera.

I did my best not to spoil myself so I was naive some of the most pertinent elements of the show; I had no idea this show would go from a murder mystery to some kind of supernatural-science fiction cluster f. It was a hodgepodge of "acid trippy" dream sequences, sappy love scenes and triangles and bad acting from the actress who the show basically revolved around. I also thought that while very handsome and likely due to his character, Kyle MacLachlan's stiff acting and humorless delivery was awkward and very stilted and uncomfortable. Almost as if he was forced into the role. I really hated the utter goofiness of some of the scenes that were supposed to be comical.

I gave this show a 6/10 strictly for the final episode's 'Black Lodge' sequences because though I don't like David Lynch's style and think he does weird for the sake of weirdness, I thought it was really well done. But even that couldn't save this show in my opinion. It was plain ridiculous and makes me wary of watching any more of these so-called "classics" in the future.

I don't want to spoil much but the show was already bad, but midway though season two it became almost unwatchable.
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