it is a dandy
5 July 2011
The patriotic medley reminded me of the one in "Star Spangled Rhythm." It was warming and impressive, just one of the 101 bright spots in this WB biopic.

Like most of the heads of the large studios, Jack L. loved his country and often showed it in his films, sometimes, such as with "This Is the Army," donating all proceeds.

All in the cast of this effort were very good but Cagney, of course, was outstanding - his charismatic personality, his dancing and, to some degree, his singing.

On July 4 TCM ran the original version. Earlier that day the Inspiration Network ran the colorized version. Either way, the viewer was the winner.

The flag-waving flick may not have been as slick as the MGM product but, in its own way, it had class and was thoroughly entertaining.

As shown in the end Cohan retired to a farm which, I believe, was not too far from Broadway, as in "give my regards to." If I'm not mistaken, Cagney retired to the same area. Many years ago I met a woman who lived nearby. She said he mostly kept to himself but when he did meet you he was quite pleasant.

Cagney, whether gangster-ing or being a song-and-dance man was one of moviedom's brightest performers. He can stand up, recite the alphabet and still hold the audience in the palm of his hand.

He was at his best in this outstanding 'yay-for-America' movie which, no doubt will be programmed again July 4, 2012. 2013, etc., etc.
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