Review of Jackhammer

Jackhammer (2004)
A whole lot of liquids in this one
5 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This honestly disgusting piece of tripe does have one interesting visual effect and one nice piece of gory makeup. It also has a cast that couldn't act their way out of a wet paper bag, a plot that's built entirely around the fact that the killer is limited by the length of his extension cord, dialog that sounds like the instructions for a TV remote after they've been translated from Japanese to French to English, a main character defined by as assload of drool and a weird homoerotic vibe in the 2nd half of the film where muscular guys keep taking off their shirts for no real reason.

Jack (Aaron Gaffey) used to be a successful office worker, the big dog of the cubicles. Then he and his old high school buddy Mike (Kyle Yaskin) went to a punked out drug dealer to get high and Mike ended up dying of an overdose, shaking and foaming in a dirty alley while Jack was afraid to call for help. Unable to deal with that, Jack ends up a homeless addict with a weirdly infected growth on his left arm, spending his nights on a mattress as the watchman for an abandoned machine shop in the worst part of town.

One night, a drug dealer that Jack owes money to busts in on him and gives him a drug cocktail of PCP, heroin and speed to try and kill Jack. Instead, it turns him into a paranoid murderer who grabs and electric jackhammer and starts killing everyone who comes into the machine shop. Egged on by a belligerent hallucination of his old friend Mike, Jack slaughters his drug dealer, the drug dealer's right hand thug, the guy who owns the machine shop, a guy who's buying the machine shop, the Eurotrash assistant of the guy who's buying the machine shop, the girlfriend of Jack's lesbian sister and most of a cleaning crew hired to clear out the machine shop for sale.

This cheaply made splatterfest is oozing over with various bodily fluids, jam packed with people who just stand there and scream while a jackhammer is inserted into various parts of their anatomy and filled to the brim with Jack's drug-fueled delusions about the evil forces out to get him. The camera work and visual look of the thing is much more advanced than you'd expect, given the extremely low standards of the rest of the production. It's so poorly written and poorly performed, however, that this 89 minute movie feels like it lasts longer than a Presidential election season.

With this sort of low budget, low brow, low rent cinema, you could spend hours making snarky comments about its multitude of deficiencies. I'd like to focus on the most obvious bad writing on display here. Only two of the characters Jack ends up killing appear in the first half hour of the film and when the rest are introduced, they might as well be wearing name tags that say "Hello. My name is Victim #whatever". The film spends far too much time telling us about Jack, especially when all we need to know is that he's a crazed druggie, and far too little time on everyone else in the story. The result is that The Jackhammer Massacre is like watching cows being herded through a slaughterhouse, getting killed one after the other as they move down the line. That's not an entertaining way to spend your time.

This movie is legitimately violent and sopping in blood, saliva and other watery substances, so if that's what you like, you can find it here. Even if that's what you're into, though, you really ought to find it in better films than this. The Jackhammer Massacre is something you can only enjoy if you're drunk, stoned or dumb and watching enough garbage like this will make you so dumb, the only things you can do are get drunk or stoned.
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