Falling for You (1995 TV Movie)
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28 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
***MAJOR SPOILERS*** The tight and claustrophobic sets terrible lighting and pea soup like fog make watching "Falling for You" feel like you trapped in a mine or elevator shaft together with its cast from almost the entire duration of the movie.

There's this crazed psycho who's got it in for pretty blond chicks who's way of murdering them is by throwing them out of the apartment windows of the high rise buildings in midtown Manhattan that they live in! NYPD detectives Lazzaro & Colton, Billy Dee Williams & Currie Graham, who are on the case have different opinions to who the killer is and what his motive are. In fact it's Lazzaro who's a bit gun shy in handling the case in that he screwed up in a very similar case a year ago where the prime witness ended up getting murdered. With that on Lazzaro's mind he feels that this time around he'll do, screw up the case, the same thing again!

***SPOILER ALERT***It's the frisky and black belt in karate Meg Crane, Jannie Garth, who becomes the killers latest victim in falling for his sweet and nice guy act to the point where she ended up dropping her boyfriend Grege, Peter Outebridge, for him. The baby face and comatose looking psycho Paul Blankenship, in that nothing seems to faze this guy at all, played by a very blank eyed and emotionless looking Costas Mandylon who after gaining Meg confidence worked her over and threw Meg out of her 9th story apartment window only to have her survive by falling and hitting her head on the buildings 8th floor landing!

Suffering form the loss of her short term memory Meg has completely forgotten in what Paul tried to do to her and later again strikes up a romance with Paul, now calling himself Eric, not knowing what he got planned for her! This crazy and dangerous affair with Paul leads to Meg's former boyfriend Grege's murder in him about to expose him in knowing that he's actually the wild and crazy Paul, not the sweet and lovable Eric, to the police as possibly being the high rise killer. One of the most puzzling scenes in the film that's a jigsaw puzzle in itself in the reaction that Meg has when she hears from Det. Lazzaro the news of Grege's suicide or what really was his murder. Meg reacted to this shocking bit of news as if Lazzero was talking to her in Mongolian not English by her showing absolutely no emotion at all!

***SPOILERS*** The mind boggling final sequence in the movie has Meg regain her short term memory just in time before Paul is about to murder her! Paul who by now dropped all attempts of being normal lets it all hang out in what he's got against women, especially young and sexy blond's, but he's so incoherent and unintelligible that you as well as Meg can't make out a word what he's saying! Crazy as hell and determined to finish the job that he earlier started, murder Meg, Paul ends up on the short end of the stick by hitting rock bottom in his second and final failed attempt to murder her! Not once but, after unexpectedly bouncing back of the side of the building, twice. And it was that second time around that finally did the crazy and out of control nut case in!
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