World Of The Dead: The Zombie Diaries 2
25 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The first Zombie Diaries was a good horror film, unlike most of the reviews i have read for it. The zombies were fairly decent for the budget of the film, the acting was OK and the scares scenes were not too shabby. But as the film progressed, it lost its way. It went from being a found-footage zombie horror to two psychos killing everything in sight, living or dead, which really let the film down. Otherwise it would of been a good watch for a zombie horror fan. I rated the first film 5/10.

World Of The Dead starts 4 months after the initial infection. It starts off at a little girls birthday, were her father goes to check on a noise outside and vanishes. Her mother then tries to find her husband and after hearing her daughter scream, she runs back into the house, up to her room where her daughter is hiding, leaving the door open. Then when the zombies eventually break into the house the mother makes no attempt to close the bedroom door and soon meets her faith. This doesn't hold up much hope for the rest of the film, and that is within the first 5 minutes.

This film doesn't give anything new that was seen in the first film, apart from snow. And because of that the scares scenes are predictable and not very effective. The characters are another let down, you don't feel much for them unlike the first film. The character development is severely lacking, so for the viewer you don't really care who dies and who doesn't. But the acting isn't as awful as most low budget horror films, there is nothing that stands out.

It isn't all bad, the were a few things i liked about the film. There were three characters from the first film which do appear in this film. The demented Goke and Manny, who tortured anything they could get there hands on, and the girl who is seen at the very end of the film wrapped in a blanket, Leanne, who is one of the main characters. The Zombie action that occurs at the army base is probably the best bits of the film.

Overall it is a poor film, it is not as good as the first film, but i didn't expect much from a sequel. Nearly all horror sequels are terrible compared to the first and this is another example. The directors mentioned, on a behind the scenes feature on the DVD, that there could be another sequel in the Zombie Diaries series, if this film does well. Lets hope not!
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